Monday, February 15, 2021

Virtual Healthcare—What It Is, How It Is Different Than Telemedicine, And Its Benefits

 Virtual healthcare involves technology, such as mobile phones, video, messaging, mobile applications, etc. to deliver healthcare services to a remote patient. The technology used in virtual healthcare enables the provision of healthcare to remote patients.

In this article, we’ll talk a bit more about virtual healthcare, how it is different than telemedicine, and its benefits.

What Is Virtual Healthcare?

As mentioned previously, virtual healthcare is the provision of healthcare through technology. It is also used for offering second opinions, management of chronic conditions, remote monitoring, consultations, and much more depending on the patient’s illness.

In short, virtual healthcare enables the monitoring of a remote patient and offering them healthcare with the use of technology.

Difference Between Virtual Health And Telemedicine

You may have seen virtual health, telehealth, and telemedicine used interchangeably. However, these are not the same. Virtual healthcare is an umbrella term for the provision of healthcare, while telehealth is a component of it.

Virtual healthcare involves a range of solutions and categories to offer healthcare to remote patients. Telehealth provides connection with the remote patients through telephone, videoconferences, and any other technology that may connect a doctor with a patient.

Benefits Of Virtual Healthcare

Here are a few benefits of virtual healthcare.

Better Access To Healthcare

With the use of technology, time delays and long wait hours in the doctor’s clinic are eliminated. Patients are able to receive better access to healthcare from the comfort of their homes.


Virtual healthcare is very convenient for both patients and doctors.

Patients don’t need to travel long distances to the hospital anymore and can attend a videoconference with their doctor in their home.

Doctors can also send a patient’s history and condition notes to other doctors easily for second opinions.

Treatment Of Urgent Symptoms

As patients get easy access to doctors and healthcare, treatment and monitoring of urgent symptoms becomes easy. This can potentially save the lives of patients and give them a quick start on the treatment wherever they are.

Wrapping Up

In this article, we discussed what virtual healthcare is, the difference between virtual healthcare and telehealth, and the benefits of virtual healthcare.

If you’re looking for virtual healthcare in Oregon, get in touch with TelaNP that offers adult health and psychiatric services online.

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